Quatrimestral magazine of the University of Pedagogical Sciences Enrique José Varona 

Certified by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment of Cuba (CITMA), referenced in the Latindex database, it is found in the CubaCiencia database, accepted in Redalyc and Scielo.

It publishes scientific, methodological papers, research results, master's degrees, doctorates, summaries of experiences, on the teaching of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Spanish, Literature, History, Foreign Languages, Biology, Primary Education, Special Education, Preschool, Geography, Philosophy , Pedagogy and Psychology; as well as the most up-to-date topics within the field of Education.




Details for authors and adjustments to publication standards


Greetings, colleagues:

Taking into account the updating of the editorial and publication standards for contributions to our journal, the editorial staff offers its authors and interested researchers the new requirements to be taken into account for the necessary adjustment of articles from issue number 78 onwards.

The Scielo database poses certain requirements to articles during the marking process. For this reason, certain indications must be taken into account, otherwise it violates what is established and prevents the visibility of the journal and the issue in question. For the sake of its improvement and the elevation of the scientific culture that should characterize every author, the following are elements of mandatory compliance.

Title with no more than 15 words and without abbreviations or period.
Implicit structure of the ABSTRACT: Context/ Objective/ Methods/ Results/ Conclusions. In block form in a single paragraph, without the above identifiers. Translated into the corresponding second language: English or Portuguese and with a maximum limit of 200 words.
No more than 5 key words and not included in the title.
Full adherence to APA 7 bibliographic and citation standards. Preferably APA 7 Javeriano.
Absolute correspondence between the citations in the body of the article and the bibliographical references and vice versa, including dates, accents and other characters.
In the case that citations of the same author and year coincide with different titles, they should be ordered by appearance and referenced differentiating them with alphabetical order. Example: Abello, 2003a, Abello, 2003b, and so on.
Emphasize the use of references that enable their retrieval and subsequent consultation, preferably articles from online or offline journals and published books, to a lesser extent theses (only in online repositories), non-conferences, papers in events, congresses and others that cannot be retrieved.
Make it possible to verify the reliability of citations and references in print and online (the latter with the url or doi address correctly stated).
Level of updating of bibliographic references with the most recent and authoritative view on the subject (last 5 years, between 70-75%), except in historical or periodization articles (30%).
Avoid self-citation. Do not reference or cite articles previously published in the journal Varona.
Review the number of references: no less than ten and no more than 20.
The original articles, understood as Introduction, Materials, Methods, Results and Discussion (IMRyD) do not contain Conclusions or recommendations stated in their content, these may constitute the semantic closure of the Discussion section.
The Discussion section is independent of the Results section and must be written with precision, because its specific content is often diluted and indistinguishable. This is why, often, this section of the article does not reveal the comparison with previous stages of the research or other studies that provide evaluative criteria and enable subsequent consultation, giving ranking to the author and the journal.
Monographs with Introduction, Development and Conclusions (IDC) format will have 10 pages and a minimum of 8 (only accepted in the specific sections: Memoirs, At Home). IMRyD originals will have a minimum of 12 and a maximum of 15 pages.
In accordance with current requirements, the Journal makes a convenient and obligatory migration towards the publication of articles towards IMRyD original articles from issue 76 onwards.
At least 5 references to other articles in journals of the first group or indexed in high impact databases must appear.

NOTE: It is essential to complete the authors' data in the articles: names and surnames, institution, scientific and academic categories and degrees, e-mail, Orcid code. Likewise, it is emphasized in the delivery of the documentation related to the authors' Contribution, conflicts of interest, Declaration of Originality and Endorsement of the corresponding Scientific Council.

The authors, by mutual agreement, will designate a person in charge of correspondence who will declare as many channels as possible for editorial contact.

In order to guarantee the reliability and originality of the contributions, anti-plagiarism tools will be applied to the articles.

Contributions will only be received through the journal's platform and communication with the authors will be guaranteed, for which the following channels will be enabled.




Sincerely, Editorial Board of the scientific methodological journal Varona

Editorial Collective


Read more about Details for authors and adjustments to publication standards

Current Issue

No. 81, September-December, 2024
Published: 2025-01-13


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