Teacher preparation for cadets' professional motivation education.

La preparación de los docentes para la educación de la motivación profesional de los cadetes

Keywords: instructive, educational, self-determination, sensitivity, teaching-learning process, military action


The preparation of the teachers of the Military Academy of the Army of the Republic of Angola to educate the professional motivation of the cadets, at present, constitutes a social need, a task that must overcome traditional styles, for an activity that must be faced from solid scientific foundations, so that its impact is permanent. In this direction, teachers must play an essential role in strengthening the education of professional motivation as an indivisible component of the educational process. The article presents the theoretical foundations that support the preparation and the results of the current state of preparation of the teachers of this military institution to achieve that the education of professional motivation for military careers becomes a process that favors change in the conceptions, attitudes and practices of the educational community of the Army Military Academy, Republic of Angola

Author Biographies

Arlindo Madaleno Loy Jamba Retrato, MSc., cademia Militar del Ejército de Angola (AMEx )

Doctorando en Ciencias de la Educación de la UCP Enrique José Varona.

Docente de la Academia Militar del Ejército de Angola (AMEx ).

Republica de Angola.

Mercedes Cristima Gutierrez Mazorra, Dr. C., Universidad de Ciencias Pedagógicas Enrique José Varona

Profesor Titular.

Vicedecana de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación.

UCP Enrique José Varona. La Habana, Cuba  



How to Cite
Loy Jamba RetratoA., & Gutierrez MazorraM. (2023). Teacher preparation for cadets’ professional motivation education. Varona, (77). Retrieved from http://revistas.ucpejv.edu.cu/index.php/rVar/article/view/2051