Definition of professional performance for the promotion of breastfeeding from Medical Education

Definición del desempeño profesional para la promoción de la lactancia materna desde la Educación Médica

Keywords: Primary health care, professional competence, community involvement, quality of health care, health promotion


The cuban social project imposes the formation of flexible, responsible, participatory human resources, with a deep humanistic approach, which from their professional performance provides solutions to the problems of practice with quality, equality and social commitment, for which this article based on the systematization of various researchers from different areas of knowledge, was outlined as an objective to offer an operational definition of professional performance from and for primary health care, a scenario where the promotion of breastfeeding is carried out. Theoretical methods such as historical, documentary analysis and systematization were used. The result is a tribute to the definition of professional performance contextualized at the primary health level; concluding as support for future research.

Author Biographies

Magalis Paz Pérez, MSc., Facultad de Ciencias Médica General Calixto García

Policlínico docente Joaquín Albarrán, Facultad de Ciencias Médica General Calixto García. La Habana, Cuba. Licenciada en Enfermería, Especialista en Enfermería comunitaria, Profesora Asistente.     

Magdelin Navarro Cutiño, Dr. C., acultad de Ciencias Médica General Calixto García

Hospital General Freyre de Andrade, Facultad de Ciencias Médica General Calixto García. La Habana, Cuba. Especialista de Primer y Segundo Grado en Urología, Profesora Titular y consultante, Investigadora Titular.


How to Cite
Paz PérezM., & Navarro CutiñoM. (2023). Definition of professional performance for the promotion of breastfeeding from Medical Education. Órbita Científica. Retrieved from
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